
The EU Mobility Package: explained

Mobility Package

The EU’s mobility package has been regarded as one of the most ambitious reform projects in the road transport sector. As such it can be confusing due to its extensive legal texts, so we created a summary of the regulations, together with a timeline.

Border Crossing – insert country in tachograph

It became mandatory to enter the country in the tachograph right after crossing the border. To fulfill the legal requirements, the driver is required to park the vehicle at the closest possible parking option at the border or afterwards. If the crossing of the border takes place on a ferry or train, the driver must enter the symbol of the country at the port or station of arrival. The second generation of smart tachographs will do that automatically.

It started being valid since 02.02.2022

This way it is easier to control the cabotage and check whether there is compliance with the mandatory cooling off period.

Fines can be as high as 5000€, depending on where you were stopped.

Posting of Workers Directive changes

The changes regulate that all non-domestic workers have the right to the same working conditions as domestic workers in the respective country, where they were deployed. 

Ensuring fair competition and equal pay.

Excluded from posting are bilateral transport and transit journeys.

The posting of Workers Directive is valid for cross-trade, i.e. journeys between countries other than the company’s headquarters.

Mandatory “cooling off” period cabotage

A haulier is not allowed to carry out cabotage operations, with the same vehicle, in the same Member State within four days following the end of its cabotage operation in that Member State. This means that the vehicle needs to cool off each time a cabotage operation is completed and the vehicle leaves the host Member State.

The rule has been valid since 21.02.2022.

To avoid that consecutive international carriages allow hauliers to carry out cabotage operations in a way that creates a permanent or continuous activity.

Mandatory return of vehicles every 8 weeks

Vehicles should return to one of the operational centres in the Member State of establishment of the undertaking having the vehicle at its disposal every 8 weeks. The vehicle should be returned to any operational centre of the undertaking in its Member State of establishment, at the latest, at 23:59 of the same day of the week 8 weeks later.

It started being valid since 21.02.2022

To prevent vehicles from remaining in other countries, committing illegal cabotage.

  • Motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles used for the international carriage of goods for hire or reward that leave the Member State of establishment
  • Motor vehicles so constructed and equipped as to be suitable for carrying more than nine persons, including the driver, and intended for that purpose, when used for the international carriage of passengers in return for payment.
  1. In the case of road haulage operators, motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles, the permissible laden mass of which does not exceed 2,5 tonnes;
  2. vehicles used by undertakings engaged in road passenger transport services exclusively for non-commercial purposes or which have a main occupation other than that of road passenger transport operator;
  3. motor vehicles with a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 40 km/h.

The overall period starts from 0:00 of the day following the exit of the vehicle from the Member of State of establishment and ends of the same day of the eighth following week.

Tachograph data may be used as proof to show this data.

Occupational access requirement for vehicles over 2.5t in cross-border freight traffic

The requirements for access to the profession become mandatory for operators using motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles intended exclusively for the carriage of goods and with a permissible laden mass exceeding 2,5 tonnes but not exceeding 3,5 tonnes involved in international transport.

Extension of the obligation to keep records to 56 days

It is mandatory for drivers to carry proof of working, driving, on-call and rest times for the current day and the preceding 56 days for all journeys subject to compulsory recording. 

It will become valid since 31.12.2024

To enhance the control of weekly rest periods within international road transport.

Mandatory tachographs for vehicles from 2,5T in cross-border transport

All vehicles above 2,5t in international road transport or cabotage operations will be equipped with a smart tachograph version 2. Consequently, this means the drivers of these vehicles will have to comply with the drive and rest time regulations. 

It will become valid since 01.07.2026

To decrease the bad practices and protect the drivers, increasing road safety.

Smart tachograph version 2 (next generation) for new vehicles

All new commercial vehicles over 3,5t would be required to have smart tachographs version 2 installed.

It will become valid from 21.08.2023

Upgrading all vehicles with analog/digital non-smart tachographs with smart tachographs version 2

All vehicles with analog/digital non-smart tachographs would be required to have smart tachographs version 2 installed.

By 31.12.2024 all vehicles will have to had retrofitted their analog/digital non-smart tachographs with the newest smart version.

Upgrading all vehicles with smart tachographs version 1 to smart tachographs version 2

All vehicles with smart tachographs version 1 would be required to upgrade their tachographs with the next generation – version 2.

By 18.08.2025 all vehicles will have to had upgraded their smart tachographs to the next generation.

Smart tachograph version 2 for all vehicles in international transport

All vehicles involved in international transport would be required to have smart tachographs version 2 installed.

It becomes valid starting from the 21.08.2025.

Yes, they will start being issued in August 2023.

Only if the current tachograph card (any kind) is not supported by your current tachograph hardware. 

Mobility Package timeline
Mobility Package timeline

If you have any questions, regarding the Mobility Package or the drive and rest times, do not hesitate to call us at +45 70 222 337 or write to us at info@tachografservice.dk.


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